Women have to face many issues in their everyday life, and health issues are the crucial ones among them. It is the fact the women with good health reflects the healthy family. If a woman in the family is healthy, then she can be able to manage the rest of the household with good health and prosperity. Since the early age as the girl she has to face several health issues and she has to take good care of her health to go ahead in her life. Since the age of menstrual cycle, she faces several problems and after certain age common health concerns strikes and makes her weak. She has to be strong and fit enough to give birth to her baby.
The most important thing that she has to keep in mind is to have the best diet that can help her to fight against any diseases. The most common health conditions that many women are suffering these days are:
• Heart strokes
• Cancers
• Back pains
• Depression
• Pregnancy diseases etc.
Heart strokes are common for men and women these days, but mostly women are failing to handle the stress and other kinds of pressure that can affect the heart. Today’s lifestyle in women has become the main reason for the heart diseases. Cancer is one of the dreadful conditions that many of the women suffer. Mainly breast cancer, vaginal types of cancer, and other diseases can affect the women and make them weak and helpless. Genetically family history, obesity, and irregular menstrual cycles can become the reasons for these cancers. By having a healthy diet with all kinds of minerals, vitamins and proteins like green superfoods, vegetables and seasonal fruits, etc. along with regular physical activities like walking, yoga and exercises they can avoid these diseases to a small extent.
Mental ill health in the woman can cause depression and other mental disorders. By having regular yoga and by relaxing they can avoid such disturbances. Sitting in the wrong postures can cause backaches and even at the time of pregnancy if they do not take proper diet and iron supplements they have to suffer later. From the initial stage of gestation, they have to take the balanced meal and small quantities at short intervals. It can help them to stay active and fit even after the delivery of the baby.
Women have to concentrate on their diet as it is crucial for maintaining good health and fitness. They have to take all the protein diets and healthy foods like green super foods which can have more anti-oxidants that can help in controlling the contaminants in the body. Also, the fruits and vegetables can give the energy levels and maintain the stamina. Instead of approaching the doctor afterward, it can be better to have prevention measures initially. Nowadays, many women welfare organizations have been working on various aspects to bring awareness to the women.